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По Вашему запросу найдено 90 ответов (Результаты запроса 1 - 18) :

#1: Color Management for Photographers. Hands on Techniques for Photoshop Users бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 16-12-2008, 13:14  Комментариев: 0
Данная книга от Andrew Rodney снимает налет мистики с управления цветом, так что вы легко можете справиться с этой работой. Благодаря инструкциям "по какой кнопке щелкать" это руководство поможет вам разобраться в управлении цветом и еще больше закрепить понимание техник с помощью пошаговых уроков, которые позволяют научиться тому, о чем пишет автор.

#2: Photoshop for Video, Third Edition бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 13-06-2009, 05:01  Комментариев: 0
Photoshop for Video, Third Edition (DV Expert Series)/by Richard Harrington(Author).Master the graphic design and production skills required of today's video editors and motion graphic professionals with this comprehensive guide to the video tools in Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended. Every page is filled with techniques to help the video professional make graphics for use in television, video, the Internet, and DVD.
Lively discourse, full-color presentations, and hands-on tutorials demonstrate everything you need to know about how to combine still and moving images. Fundamental concepts such as transparency, pixel aspect ratio, and alpha channels are made precisely clear, and advanced techniques show how to use Photoshop as a character generator, color corrector, and animation tool.
*Real-world solutions for making graphics for video, motion graphics, and DVD authoring
*Expanded coverage of High Def video
*16-bit and 32-bit image processing techniques for greater color fidelity
*Integration guides for top selling Editing, Motion Graphics, and DVD software
*Automation and shortcut methods that cut production time and improve final product
*Downloadable extras for Photoshop CS3 Extended

#3: Maya Professional Tips and Techniques бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 2-05-2007, 06:15  Комментариев: 0
Work better and faster in Maya with the quick-hit tips and techniques in this practical book. Designed for busy Maya users, this guide offers dozens of how-tos, workarounds, and shortcuts culled from years of experience in a fast-paced, deadline-driven production pipeline. You’ll discover tricks and timesavers on texturing particles, customizing Paint Effects brushes, modeling polygon faces, creating facial rigs with wire deformers, and much more-while useful, full-color illustrations reinforce the concepts. From modeling, animating, and rigging to texturing and lighting, this book will help you streamline workflow and improve your skills.

#4: Photoshop Effects for Portrait Photographers бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 15-05-2009, 19:06  Комментариев: 0
Эта книга рассказывает о методах, которые помогут улучшить портретную фотографию, с использованием творческого применения навыков Photoshop. Качественные советы, рассчитанные на широкий круг читателей. Книга на английском, но для понимания о чем говорится, достаточно иметь английский интерфейс Фотошопа

#5: Adobe Photoshop CS2. Самоучитель в примерах бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 5-11-2008, 10:47  Комментариев: 0
Photoshop CS2. Самоучитель в примерах
Урок 1
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#6: Photoshop CS3 Restoration and Retouching Bible бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 10-02-2009, 10:00  Комментариев: 0
Take years off your keepsake photos or enhance the current ones with Photoshop CS3's powerful tools and the expert techniques and tips you'll find in this comprehensive guide. Using step-by-step instructions and over 500 pages of full-color examples, this book shows you how to clone, blend layers, add contrast, reduce glare, soften wrinkles, rescue torn photos, and more. From portraits to landscapes to architectural masterpieces, fine-tune your favorites with this expert guide.

#7: Photoshop CS3 Layers Bible бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 9-02-2009, 23:49  Комментариев: 0
Creative professionals know how to tap Photoshop CS3's Layers to achieve spectacular results, and now you can learn their secrets in this comprehensive book. How do you combine layers and masks? What's the best way to work with Web images? From the newest CS3 features to successful layering strategies, you'll discover the professional techniques and hands-on examples you need to succeed. Create composites that make an impact, organize your workflow, create great-looking and quick-loading Web images, and more.

#8: Color Image Processing. Methods and Applications бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 30-01-2009, 19:10  Комментариев: 0
With advances in image sensors, digital TV, image-enabled consumer electronics, and much more, color image processing is of paramount interest in the computer vision community. This book details recent advances in digital color image acquisition, analysis, processing, and display, exploring emerging color image, video, multimedia, and biomedical processing applications. It examines the latest techniques, algorithms, and solutions for digital color imaging, emphasizing emerging topics such as secure imaging, semantic processing, and digital camera image processing. It comprehensively covers the system design, implementation, and application aspects of digital color imaging.

#9: Освой самостоятельно Adobe Photoshop CS за 24 часа бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 24-09-2008, 21:11  Комментариев: 0
Программа Photoshop CS - самая последняя и самая совершенная версия принятого в 1987 году стандарта в обработке изображений. Новая версия содержит большое количество дополнительных усовершенствований, включая долгожданную возможность расположения надписей вдоль контуров, средство File Browser, новый инструмент Color Replacement, средство Photomerge для "создания" панорамных изображений и множество других не заметных на первый взгляд доработок, которые сделают ваше общение с программой более простым и удобным. Если вы работали с предыдущей версией Photoshop, то не сможете не заметить того, насколько мощнее стала новая версия программы. Если же вы только начинаете использовать Photoshop, возможности программы вас просто поразят.

#10: Photoshop CS3 для судмедэкспертов бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 8-11-2008, 00:00  Комментариев: 0
Photoshop CS3 for Forensics Professionals: A Complete Digital Imaging Course for Investigators"
Digital imaging technology has been used in forensics since at least 1992, yet until now there? has been? no practical instruction available to address the unique issues of image processing in an everyday forensic environment. Photoshop CS3 for Forensics Professionals serves the everyday, real-world needs of law enforcement and legal personnel dealing with digital images (including both photos and video stills). This book is an excellent tool for: Law enforcement personnel, from crime scene and arson investigators, detectives, and patrol officers to forensic photographers, fingerprint examiners, video analysts, tool mark and footwear examiners, and criminalists.
Security pros in such fields as private investigation, insurance, fraud detection, and loss prevention.

#11: Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi/400D Для Чайников бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 26-12-2008, 13:01  Комментариев: 0
The Canon Digital Rebel XTi/400D is an ideal camera for first-time digital SLR users. Unfortunately if you don't know photography lingo you might find yourself never veering from your camera's default settings and into all the cool features that help you take outstanding photos. This book takes care of that problem. Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi/400D For Dummies comes to the aid of new and inexperienced XTi/400D users by walking them through all the features of their camera. The book not only explains that camera's controls, but also demonstrates how each feature contributes to creating great photos. Illustrated with hundreds of full-color photos, this guide helps you get up-to-speed on the XTi/400D and in control of this popular camera.

#12: 165 (2018) бесплатно

АвторАвтор: didl3  Опубликовано: 5-05-2018, 19:22  Комментариев: 0
Photoshop Creative — название расшифровывается как творчество, вдохновение, ясность и точность. Журнал стал первым выбором для тех кто начинают постигать Photoshop, используя углубленные, пошаговые уроки для Photoshop и Photoshop Elements.

#13: Complete Digital Photography, Fourth Edition бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 28-03-2009, 13:29  Комментариев: 0
Complete Digital Photography has become a classic book for helping traditional photographers move to digital! It's also the book of choice for many new digital photographers who want to learn how to take great digital photos. Now in its 4th edition, this bestseller has been fine-tuned and updated to provide the most current information available. Covering everything from the inner workings of the camera to the subtle intricacies of image editing software, the book is divided into four sections. The first section provides the basic technical foundation needed throughout the rest of the book. It details the basics of how digital cameras work and provides a quick photography primer. The second part explores everything needed to make an informed decision about which camera, computer, and software to choose. Section three has been thoroughly updated and expanded to cover the nitty gritty of shooting, including metering, choosing the right exposure, using histograms, flash photography, and much more. And the final section, teaches the latest digital editing and correction techniques, including new coverage of workflow and raw conversion.

#14: Adobe InDesign CS2 How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 27-10-2008, 19:06  Комментариев: 0
InDesign CS2 is more than just a powerful page layout tool: As part of Adobe's new Creative Suite 2 (which includes Photoshop, Illustrator, GoLive, and Acrobat), it's a key component of an overall design workflow that lets users work seamlessly among all of their graphics applications to create spectacular layouts. This info-packed guide lets you get right down to work by focusing on just the InDesign CS2 features you're most likely to use and showcasing each in a stand-alone tip--complete with a relevant hint or two and a graphic example. In this fashion, you learn as you go, exploring the program in a way that makes sense to you. Before you know it, you'll be using the Bridge to manage your files, object styles to format your images, and snippets to save layout parts for reuse and much, much more!

#15: Adobe Photoshop CS5. Книга для фотографов бесплатно

АвторАвтор: Mixalich007  Опубликовано: 2-11-2011, 14:16  Комментариев: 0
Это перевод книги Scott Kelby - The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers, 2010. Перевод полноцветный, повторяет дизайн оригинала, содержит алфавитный указатель пар названий элементов рабочей среды и функций оригинальной и русской версий Photoshop CS5 и предназначен для русскоязычных пользователей обеих этих версий. В книге просто и доступно изложены все новшества версии CS5 и даны представления о работе версии CS5 в целом.

#16: Color Quality of Fresh and Processed Foods бесплатно

АвторАвтор: dim_boss  Опубликовано: 26-02-2011, 23:36  Комментариев: 0
Color is a critical measure of quality in foods and beverages. Researchers and technical personnel in quality assurance and product development need appropriate objective methods for measuring color. This book contains chapters by scientists from throughout the world with expertise on the pigment and color stability of many different commodities.

#17: Alternative Digital Photography бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 7-04-2009, 14:38  Комментариев: 0
Alternative Digital Photography will lead you through a detailed exploration of alternative techniques in digital photography. Whether you are an amateur photographer, a beginning professional, or an advanced professional looking to add more creativity to your photography, this book will help you develop the skills you need to create unusual, creative, and artistic images using digital photography. It includes hands-on lessons designed to help you quickly develop new and creative ways of viewing the world around you. It is filled with example photographs, outlining the steps taken to achieve each image. It emphasizes simple, creative, and inexpensive suggestions that anyone can use--no need for a professional studio or a large financial investment. The book does also include coverage of advanced techniques as well as expensive tools that allow you to continue using the book as your experience grows.

#18: Professional Techniques for the Wedding Photographer бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 18-11-2008, 22:41  Комментариев: 0
Книга "Professional Techniques for the Wedding Photographer" раскрывает все главные приёмы свадебной фотографии для начинающих. В книге большое количество фотографий и схем освещения.

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