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По Вашему запросу найдено 90 ответов (Результаты запроса 1 - 18) :

#1: The Design and Evaluation of Physical Protection Systems бесплатно

АвторАвтор: dim_boss  Опубликовано: 14-03-2011, 21:43  Комментариев: 1
The book emphasizes the use of component performance measures to establish the effectiveness of physical protection systems, applying scientific and engineering principles to meet goals. The author takes a problem-solving approach to security and risk assessment, explaining the use of electronic protection elements and demonstrating how these elements are integrated into an effective system.

#2: Architecture In Use: An introduction to the programming, design and evaluation of buildings бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 9-01-2009, 15:49  Комментариев: 0
This unique book discusses programming, design and building evaluation providing a joined up approach to building design. By linking the functional and architectonic qualities of a building, the authors show the practical implications of the utility value of buildings. Starting by looking at how the relationship between form and function has been dealt with by different approaches to architecture from a historical perspective, it goes on to discuss how the desired functional quality and utility value of a building can be expressed in a brief and given a physical form by the architect. Finally, it advises on how to carry out post-occupancy evaluation and provides the architect with methods and techniques for testing whether the intended utility value of a building has been achieved.

#3: Military Avionics Systems бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 29-01-2009, 22:44  Комментариев: 0
Military avionics is a complex and technically challenging field which requires a high level of competence from all those involved in the aircraft design and maintenance. As the various systems on board an aircraft evolve to become more and more inter-dependent and integrated, it is becoming increasingly important for designers to have a holistic view and knowledge of aircraft systems in order to produce an effective design for their individual components and effectively combine the systems involved.

#4: Fundamentals of Digital Logic and Microcomputer Design, 5th Edition бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 29-05-2009, 11:22  Комментариев: 0
Fundamentals of Digital Logic and Microcomputer Design, has long been hailed for its clear and simple presentation of the principles and basic tools required to design typical digital systems such as microcomputers. In this Fifth Edition, the author focuses on computer design at three levels: the device level, the logic level, and the system level. Basic topics are covered, such as number systems and Boolean algebra, combinational and sequential logic design, as well as more advanced subjects such as assembly language programming and microprocessor-based system design. Numerous examples are provided throughout the text.

#5: Physics in Biology and Medicine бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 8-08-2008, 16:24  Комментариев: 0
This book furthers our understanding by relating important concepts in physics to living systems. Applications of physics in biology and medicine are emphasized, with no previous knowledge of bioloogy required. The analysis is largely quantitative, but only high-school physics and mathematics are assumed. Underlying basic physics appendices. Biological systems are described in only enough detail for physical analysis.
The organization is similar to basic physisics texts: solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, thermodynammics, sound, electrocity, optics, and atomic and nuclear physics. A bibliography gives important sourses for further reading.

#6: Self defense and physical fitness бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 18-12-2008, 19:32  Комментариев: 0
Очень толковое пособие по самообороне и подготовке к ней!

#7: Aircraft systems : mechanical, electrical, and avionics subsystems integration бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 26-03-2009, 22:12  Комментариев: 0
This third edition of Aircraft Systems represents a timely update of the Aerospace Series’ successful and widely acclaimed flagship title. Moir and Seabridge present an in-depth study of the general systems of an aircraft – electronics, hydraulics, pneumatics, emergency systems and flight control to name but a few - that transform an aircraft shell into a living, functioning and communicating flying machine. Advances in systems technology continue to alloy systems and avionics, with aircraft support and flight systems increasingly controlled and monitored by electronics; the authors handle the complexities of these overlaps and interactions in a straightforward and accessible manner that also enhances synergy with the book’s two sister volumes, Civil Avionics Systems and Military Avionics Systems.

#8: Beginning Database Design бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 28-05-2009, 11:59  Комментариев: 0
The perfect reference for programmers, administrators, or Web designers who are new to database development and are uncertain as to how to design and structure a database efficiently
Shows how to design and implement robust, scalable databases on any of the major relational database management systems, including Access, SQL Server, IBM DB2, MySQL, and Oracle

#9: Aerospace Systems. Export catalogue бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 13-02-2009, 15:25  Комментариев: 0
The revised edition of the "Aerospace Systems" catalogue gives brief descriptions of Russian military/dual-use air and space systems and services offered for export by the Rosoboronexport State Corporation. It covers most important defence-related aerospace technologies developed in Russia, namely:
Aircraft, Helicopters, Unmanned air systems, Flight simulators, Aeroengines, Avionics, Armament, Airfield equipment, Ground Monitoring Equipment, Life support equipment, Space systems and services.

#10: Robotics. Designing the mechanisms for automated machinery. Second Edition бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 20-04-2009, 18:07  Комментариев: 1
This book provides information on the stages of machinery design for automated manufacturing and offers a step-by-step process for making it optimal. This is illustrated by numerous examples of technical concepts taken from different manufacturing domains. The author, being a university teacher, sees that teaching curricula and textbooks most often do not provide the answers to the questions: How are things built? How do they work? How does one best approach the design process for a specific machine? Most textbooks emphasize computation theories and techniques and deal less with the physical objects that the theories describe.

#11: Air Defence Systems. Export Catalogue бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 13-02-2009, 19:03  Комментариев: 0
The catalogue contains concise data on both newly-made and modernised air defence equipment divided into the following sections:
missile and artillery systems; surveillance; command and control systems; electronic warfare; intelligence and communications systems; test range equipment.

#12: Designing Digital Computer Systems with Verilog бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 4-06-2009, 13:42  Комментариев: 0
This book describes how to specify, design, and test a complete digital system using Verilog, a leading commercial hardware description language. After a brief introduction to the Verilog language, the instruction set architecture (ISA) for the simple VeSPA (Very Small Processor Architecture) processor is defined. This ISA is used throughout the remainder of the book to demonstrate how both behavioral and structural models can be developed and intermingled in Verilog. Written for senior and graduate students, this book is also an ideal introduction to Verilog for practicing engineers.

#13: Petri Net: Theory and Applications бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 9-09-2008, 23:22  Комментариев: 0
Although many other models of concurrent and distributed systems have been de- veloped since the introduction in 1964 Petri nets are still an essential model for concurrent systems with respect to both the theory and the applications. The main attraction of Petri nets is the way in which the basic aspects of concurrent systems are captured both conceptually and mathematically. The intuitively appealing graphical notation makes Petri nets the model of choice in many applications. The natural way in which Petri nets allow one to formally capture many of the basic notions and issues of concurrent systems has contributed greatly to the development of a rich theory of concurrent systems based on Petri nets.

#14: Naval Systems. Export Catalogue бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 13-02-2009, 16:29  Комментариев: 0
The present catalogue is intended to give a proper perspective on the scope of Russian-made naval equipment offered for export by Rosoboronexport State Corporation. It contains five chapters with brief descriptions of:
Submarines; Surface warships; Development projects; Shipborne weapons; Shipborne electronic systems; Stationary electronic systems; Coastal weapon systems; Auxiliary vessels.

#15: Digital Desing and Computer Architecture бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 21-05-2009, 09:35  Комментариев: 0
Digital Design and Computer Architecture is designed for courses that combine digital logic design with computer organization/architecture or that teach these subjects as a two-course sequence. Digital Design and Computer Architecture begins with a modern approach by rigorously covering the fundamentals of digital logic design and then introducing Hardware Description Languages (HDLs). Featuring examples of the two most widely-used HDLs, VHDL and Verilog, the first half of the text prepares the reader for what follows in the second: the design of a MIPS Processor. By the end of Digital Design and Computer Architecture, readers will be able to build their own microprocessor and will have a top-to-bottom understanding of how it works--even if they have no formal background in design or architecture beyond an introductory class. David Harris and Sarah Harris combine an engaging and humorous writing style with an updated and hands-on approach to digital design.

#16: WordPress Theme Design бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 5-01-2009, 16:55  Комментариев: 0
The focus of “Wordpress Theme Design” is to provide a comprehensive guide on how to create a professional Wordpress theme from the design process to search engine optimization (SEO) and after reading the book I can say it does more than that. It’s basically a compressed version of the Wordpress Codex .

#17: Modern Antenna Design бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 10-01-2009, 21:27  Комментариев: 0
A practical book written for engineers who design and use antennas
The author has many years of hands on experience designing antennas that were used in such applications as the Venus and Mars missions of NASA
The book covers all important topics of modern antenna design for communications
Numerical methods will be included but only as much as are needed for practical applications
From the Back Cover
Learn hands-on antenna design from a leading expert
Modern Antenna Design, Second Edition continues the practical approach that marked the popular first edition by distilling theory to the essentials of antenna design without becoming buried in mathematics. Written by an expert antenna designer whose designs have been used on NASA missions to explore Mars and Venus, the book emphasizes and demonstrates real-world applications across a variety of fields, including telecommunications, remote sensing, and broadcasting.

#18: The tribology handbook бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 28-04-2009, 00:53  Комментариев: 0
This second revised edition of the Tribology Handbook follows the pattern of the original, first published over twenty years ago. It aims to provide instant access to essential information on the performance of tribological components, and is aimed particularly at designers and engineers in industry. Contents: selection of bearings, plain bearings, rolling bearings, special bearings, rotary drives, linear drives, seals, lubricants, lubrication of components, lubrication systems, lubrication system components, operation of lubrication systems and machines, environmental effects, failures, maintenance, repair, basic information, design reference.

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