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По Вашему запросу найдено 64 ответов (Результаты запроса 1 - 18) :

#1: Game Programming Gems бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 23-05-2009, 19:00  Комментариев: 0
Aimed at the working (or aspiring) Visual C/C++ game programmer, Game Programming Gems contains over 60 programming tips that have been gathered from more than 40 working game gurus. It you want to build your own games or are interested simply in how games work, this text provides an intriguing glimpse into how the pros create state-of-the-art 3-D animation.

#2: Building XNA 2.0 Games: A Practical Guide for Independent Game Development бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 2-11-2008, 18:51  Комментариев: 0
Building XNA 2.0 Games: A Practical Guide for Independent Game Development is written by James Silva, who recently won the prestigious Microsoft Dream Build Play game competition with his award–winning title, The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai.

Building XNA 2.0 Games: A Practical Guide for Independent Game Development is an in–depth and exclusive look into the entire XNA game development process and includes the creation of a software game masterpiece. James Silva guides you through the process he took to build his award–winning title from concept to reality. He reveals tips and techniques for creating a polished, high–quality game with very few resources, while bridging the gap between coding and art.

#3: Programming.ASP.NET бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 8-06-2009, 21:54  Комментариев: 0
In Programming ASP.NET, Second Edition authors Jesse Liberty and Dan Hurwitz cover everything you need to know to be effective with ASP.NET. The book includes a comprehensive tutorial on Web Forms, which, in conjunction with Visual Studio .NET 2003, allow you to apply Rapid Application Development techniques (including drag-and-drop control placement) to web development. Programming ASP.NET includes extensive coverage of each type of server control, including Web server controls, HTML server controls, and custom controls. New material covers creating ASP.NET pages for mobile devices.

#4: Visual Basic .NET Black Book бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 30-03-2007, 12:10  Комментариев: 0
Visual Basic .NET Black Book is a comprehensive reference and problem-solving guide for Visual Basic programmers. It covers Visual Basic .NET tips, examples, and how-to’s on everything from programming to managing Visual Basic applications. It provides in-depth material on the new object-oriented features of Visual Basic .NET. Plus readers will learn the crucial Visual Basic tool set in detail including best Visual Basic programming practices, from design tools to flowcharts. Using the popular Black Book format, this book provides in-depth analyses of VB.NET technologies and hundreds of immediate programming solutions making it an invaluable desktop companion.

#5: Programming with GNU software бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 2-06-2009, 21:49  Комментариев: 0
One of the great benefits of Unix is the vast array of free and inexpensive software tools that are available for the platform. Programming with GNU Software provides an overview of how C and C++ programmers can use some of these tools: the source-code editor Emacs, the gcc compiler, gdb debugger, gprof profiler, and the RCS version-control system. The book offers a quick-paced tutorial that, unlike some introductions to Unix tools, is particularly focused on the needs of C programmers. 

#6: VHDL: Programming by examples бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 9-05-2009, 19:00  Комментариев: 0
This is the fourth version of the book and this version now not only provides VHDL language coverage but design methodology information as well. This version will guide the reader through the process of creating a VHDL design, simulating the design, synthesizing the design, placing and routing the design, using VITAL simulation to verify the final result.

#7: More programming pearls бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 6-06-2009, 20:51  Комментариев: 0
What do topics ranging from organic chemistry to Napoleon's campaigns have to do with computer programming? This collection of essays demonstrates the many varied aspects of programming, showing how programming can be both a fun and elegant science.
Some of the essays cover programming techniques, like how profilers can provide insight into the dynamic behavior of programs, and methods for making data files self-describing. These techniques deal with real programs and they are realistically illustrated, using the C and Awk languages. Bentley also provides the reader with some tricks of the programmer's trade, like a collection of rules of thumb and hints for finding simple solutions to hard problems.
These essays also originally appeared in the author's column in Communication of the ACM, and have been substantially revised, incorporating new sections, problems, and reader comments.

#8: Conceptual physics, 10e бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 11-11-2008, 17:51  Комментариев: 0
You know you can’t enjoy a game unless you know its rules; whether it’s a ball game, a computer game, or simply a party game. Likewise, you can’t fully appreciate your surroundings until you understand the rules of nature. Physics is the study of these rules, which show how everything in nature is beautifully connected. So the main reason to study physics is to enhance the way you see the physical world. You’ll see the mathematical structure of physics in frequent equations, but more that being recipes for computation, you’ll see the equations as guides to thinking.
I enjoy physics, and you will too – because you’ll understand it. If you get hooked and take a follow-up course, then you can focus on mathematical problems. Go for comprehension of concepts now, and if computation follows, it will be with understanding.
Enjoy your physics!
Папка также содержит Practicing Physics - Conceptual Physics 10e (Practice book)

#9: Core PHP Programming бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 19-07-2008, 16:45  Комментариев: 0
Core PHP Programming, Third Edition is the authoritative guide to the new PHP 5 for experienced developers. Top PHP developer Leon Atkinson and PHP 5 contributor/Zend Engine 2 co-creator Zeev Suraski cover every facet of real-world PHP 5 development, from basic syntax to advanced object--oriented development-even design patterns!

It's all here: networking, data structures, regular expressions, math, configuration, graphics, MySQL/PostgreSQL support, XML, algorithms, debugging, optimization...and 650 downloadable code examples.

#10: Core Python Programming бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 6-06-2009, 11:56  Комментариев: 0
Python is an Internet and systems programming language that is soaring in popularity in today's fast-paced software development environment, and no wonder: it's simple (yet robust), object-oriented (yet can be used as a procedural language), extensible, scalable and features an easy to learn syntax that is clear and concise. Python combines the power of a compiled object language like Java and C++ with the ease of use and rapid development time of a scripting language. In fact, it's syntax is so easy to understand that you are more likely to pick it up faster than any of the other popular scripting languages in use today!

#11: Programming Video Games for the Evil Genius бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 4-06-2009, 15:18  Комментариев: 0
In Programming Video Games for the Evil Genius, programming wunderkind Ian Cinnamon gives you everything you need to create and control 57 gaming projects. You'll find easy-to-follow plans featuring Java, the most universal programming language, that run on any PC, Mac, or Linux computer.
Illustrated instructions and plans for an awesome mix of racing, board, shoot 'em up, strategy, retro, and puzzle games

#12: The Objective-C 2.0 Programming Language бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 17-05-2009, 12:11  Комментариев: 0
Objective-C is a small but powerful set of extensions to the standard ANSI C language. Objective-C is designed to give C full object-oriented programming capabilities in a straightforward way. This document is about the first component of the development environment — the programming language. It fully describes the Objective-C language, and provides a foundation for learning about the second component, the Mac OS X Objective-C application frameworks—collectively known as Cocoa.

#13: The ANSI C programming language бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 26-05-2009, 15:22  Комментариев: 0
This book (widely known as K&R, after the authors' initials) has for over twenty years been the best way to learn C. In this book you'll find information not just about C, but about good programming style, code reuse, the value of clear comments--in short, you will introduced to the skill set of an experienced computer professional.

#14: Modeling, UV Mapping, and Texturing 3D Game Weapons бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 30-03-2007, 12:22  Комментариев: 0
This book is all meat and cuts right to the point - modeling and texturing game weapons like a professional. Written by Christian Chang, weapons modeler on America’s Army and now at EA, this book delivers what the reader wants. Starting with a discussion on customizing your modeling application for ease of use, the book emphasizes the importance of employing professional techniques when setting up your project. From there, the chapters concentrate on creating specific weapons - from a samurai sword to a modern high-velocity, fully-automatic machine gun - in a step-by-step progression from simple to complex. Each weapon is modeled, UV mapped, optimized, and finally textured for realism.

#15: Object Oriented Programming in VB.Net бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 2-11-2008, 11:22  Комментариев: 0
This book takes an object-oriented approach to introduce Visual Basic .NET. The author begins by covering object-oriented analysis, design, and modeling using UML. He then moves into a detailed discussion of objects and clasess, after which, readers begin develoing their own short programs. Advanced topics such as data structures, components, and distributed/Internet programming are also covered. Programmers interested in learning the Visual Basic .NET programming language.

#16: Как рисовать аниме и героев игр. Vol. 1 бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 20-11-2008, 15:04  Комментариев: 0
Красочной издание для любых возрастов.

#17: Bak Magazine №05 Game 2006 бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 20-05-2009, 13:12  Комментариев: 0
Bak Magazine Issue 05 Game август 2006

#18: Путешествие - настольная игра бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 21-03-2009, 18:45  Комментариев: 0
Яркая, сочная, запоминающаяся, оригинальная графика и сюжет, полный доброго юмора не оставит равнодушным не только ребятишек, но и их родителей. Настольная игра для всей семьи. Впервые опубликована более 25 лет назад. За многие годы, прошедшие с тех пор, ничего лучшего в этом жанре так и не было придумано!

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