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По Вашему запросу найдено 90 ответов (Результаты запроса 1 - 18) :

#1: French Army 1939-45 бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 27-04-2009, 12:08  Комментариев: 0
2 книги из серии "Osprey - Men-at-Arms " №-315, 318 о французкой армии периода 1939-1945 г.

#2: Better Reading FRENCH бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 30-10-2007, 01:42  Комментариев: 0
Better Reading FRENCH
This book is a Reader and Guide to Improving Your Understanding of Written French.
Better Reading French has been developed for English speakers who have a basic to intermediate knowledge of French and is designed to help them read French better and to encourage them to read more. To read better, we must read more. As an encouragement for beginning readers, I have organized this book according to eight areas of interest: love, writing, cuisine, music, museums and gardens, science and technology, and symbols of France and Europe. At least one of these areas should interest the reader immediately, and after that subject is explored, interest in another will follow.

#3: French in Action бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 29-12-2008, 11:34  Комментариев: 0
French in Action
A Beginning Course in Language and Culture, Second Edition:
Textbook, Part 1
Workbook, Part 1
Part 1 of the workbook contains exercises for lessons 1-26. This workbook is to be used in conjunction with the French in Action textbook.

#4: The polish army 1939-45 бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 24-04-2009, 20:36  Комментариев: 0
Книга из серии "Osprey - Men-at-Arms " №-117 о польской армии периода 1939-1945 г.

#5: US Army Counter Sniper Guide бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 15-12-2008, 10:54  Комментариев: 0
Американский учебник по контрснайперской подготовке

#6: 100% Аудио Французский. Начальный и средний уровень. бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 24-01-2009, 15:33  Комментариев: 0
Вы давно хотели выучить французский, на котором говорит весь мир, но у Вас нет времени, чтобы посещать курсы иностранных языков? Возьмите с собой курс 100% АУДИО ФРАНЦУЗСКИЙ!
Теперь у Вас есть возможность учить иностранный язык за рулем или дома, пока Вы занимаетесь домашними делами, на отдыхе или в спортклубе - везде, где есть проигрыватель компакт-дисков!
Это курс живого разговорного французского. Вы научитесь знакомиться, общаться по телефону, проходить интервью при приеме на работу, чувствовать себя уверенно в аэропорту, в банке, на почте, словом - везде, где вокруг говорят на французском!

#7: German Army Uniforms (Heer) 1933-1945 бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 31-01-2009, 20:38  Комментариев: 0
История развития униформы германской армии за период 1933—1945 гг.

#8: French Girl Knits 2006 бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 21-04-2009, 14:05  Комментариев: 0
В журнале приводятся инновационные техники вязания, романтические детали одежды и женственные силуэты, связанные на спицах.

#9: Cooking the French way бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 20-03-2009, 23:54  Комментариев: 0
Кулинария - прекрасное искусство во Франции. С изумительными рецептами и интересной вводной информацией о французских областях, народах и традициях читателям представлены основы французской культуры.
В книге собраны наиболее простые, но в то же время колоритные блюда французской кухни.

#10: InDesign Type: Professional Typography with Adobe InDesign CS2 бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 27-10-2008, 18:35  Комментариев: 0
It's no mystery why InDesign has become the premier page layout program: It offers great tools-not least among them its sophisticated typographic controls. Here to show you how to take advantage of them is the first book devoted solely to that topic. Whether you're a graphics pros migrating from InDesign's long-entrenched competitor QuarkXPress or a hobbyists producing fancy invites and book-length projects, you'll appreciate this guide's finely tuned focus on everything typographic. Realizing that to take full advantage of InDesign's typographic tools, you must understand the principles guiding their use, author Nigel French addresses both the whys and the hows of good typography. Using practical examples, and loads of tips, Nigel provides a comprehensive overview of all of InDesign's type features, including the Paragraph Composer, optical kerning, and its support for OpenType fonts. Starting with character formats and then moving through paragraph formats, styles and effects, and layouts, you'll have gained all the skills they need to produce beautiful type by the end of the volume.

#11: Osprey - Warrior №20. British Redcoat (2) 1793-1815 бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 23-02-2009, 21:09  Комментариев: 0
In 1783 the British army struggled home from North America in a shattered condition. It had acquitted itself well, but its regiments were now woefully understrength, and it was not until 1789 that they were again fit for service. Little more than three years later, Republican France declared war, and, apart from two short periods, the army was to be heavily engaged around the globe for the next 23 years. Beginning where Warrior 19 British Redcoat 1740-93 ends, Stuart Reid shows how the army was re-organised, re-equipped, re-trained and led from the bitter struggle in the West Indies to the final reckoning at Waterloo.

#12: Osprey - Warrior №8. British Cavalryman 1792 - 1815 бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 20-02-2009, 20:31  Комментариев: 0
In the campaigns of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, the deserved reputation of the British infantry has tended to overshadow the contribution of the cavalry, but in fact they did form an integral part of the army, carrying out duties crucial to the success of other arms. British Cavalryman 1792-1815 recounts what these duties were and examines the men who performed them. The different regiments of the cavalry are listed and some of the arm's more exotic or professional corps, such as the King's German Legion, examined.

#13: Osprey - Warrior №19. British Redcoat 1740-1793 бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 23-02-2009, 17:07  Комментариев: 0
During this period, the British army earned itself a formidable reputation as a fighting force. However, due to its role as a police force at home, and demonisation by American propaganda, the army was viewed as little removed from a penal institution run by aristocratic dilettantes. This view, still held by many today, is challenged by Stuart Reid, who paints a picture of an increasingly professional force. This was an important time of change and improvement for the British Army, and British Redcoat 1740-1793 fully brings this out in its comprehensive examination of the lives, conditions and experiences of the late 18th-century infantryman.

#14: The Unseen Terror: The French Revolution in the Provinces бесплатно

АвторАвтор: dim_boss  Опубликовано: 6-03-2011, 14:15  Комментариев: 0
From the fall of the Bastille to the rise of Napoleon, Paris was the stage for most of the greatest crises of the French Revolution. Indeed, for many historians, the Revolution was a distinctly Parisian phenomenon, restricted to the galleries of the Tuileries and the chambers of the Jacobin Club. But Paris was only one setting for a national terror which was frequently and painfully felt outside the capital. What happened during these momentous years beyond Paris? How did the revolution spread from the capital and how did it affect people living in the provinces?

#15: Подводные лодки Кригсмарине 1939-1945 бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 13-11-2008, 09:37  Комментариев: 0
Книга английского военного историка Криса Бишопа "Подводные лодки Кригсмарине 1939-1945гг."
является компетентным справочником по подводному флоту Германии во Второй мировой войне,который дает возможность проследить организационную структуру гитлеровского подводного флота с начала
войны в Северной Атлантике до последних дней Третьего рейха.

#16: Бронетанковая техника Японии 1939-1945. бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 6-10-2007, 11:17  Комментариев: 0
Бронетанковая техника Японии 1939-1945.

Объём: 36 стр.

#17: Бронетанковая техника Великобритании 1939-1945. бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 8-10-2007, 22:06  Комментариев: 0
Бронетанковая техника Великобритании 1939-1945.
Объём: 36 стр.


4,7 Мб

#18: Бронетанковая техника CCCР 1939-1945 бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 6-10-2007, 10:49  Комментариев: 0
Бронетанковая техника CCCР 1939-1945

Объём: 36 стр.

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