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По Вашему запросу найдено 10 ответов (Результаты запроса 1 - 10) :

#1: Cultural Populism бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 12-01-2009, 09:39  Комментариев: 0
This book provides a novel understanding of current thought and enquiry in the study of popular culture and communications media. The populist sentiments and impulses underlying cultural studies and its postmodernist variants are explored and criticized sympathetically. An exclusively consumptionist trend of analysis is identified and shown to be an unsatisfactory means of accounting for the complex material conditions and mediations that shape ordinary people’s pleasures and opportunities for personal and political expression.
Through detailed consideration of the work of Raymond Williams, Stuart Hall and ‘the Birmingham School’, John Fiske, youth subcultural analysis, popular television study,

#2: Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 8-06-2009, 15:35  Комментариев: 0
This encyclopedia provides description and analysis of the terms, concepts, and issues of social and cultural anthropology. International in authorship and coverage, this accessible work is fully indexed and cross-referenced.

#3: Marriage Family, and Relationships бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 9-01-2009, 23:49  Комментариев: 0
Broude (psychology, Vassar) has produced a work that is more anthropological than psychological in nature, placing its emphasis on societal and tribal customs rather than on individuals' motivations. Broude uses the concept of sociobiology to explain why so many cultures have similarities in ideals-if not in the way these ideals are carried out. For example, in almost all cultures people will help their own kin before helping strangers, which Broude explains as an instinctive attempt by a person to make sure their genes (some of which are shared by their kin) survive. Similarly, Broude repeatedly explains the differences in male-female sex roles from an evolutionary perspective. Whether or not one agrees that biology is destiny, Broude makes a convincing case in several articles that this is a possible motivation for behaviors that occur across cultures.

#4: Postwestern Cultures: Literature, Theory, Space бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 28-02-2009, 23:09  Комментариев: 0
Postwestern Cultures synthesizes the most critical topics of contemporary scholarship of the American West within a single volume. This interdisciplinary anthology features leading scholars in the varied fields of western American literary studies and includes new regional studies, global studies, studies of popular culture, environmental criticism, gender and queer theory, and multiculturalism. Postwestern Cultures, like all successful studies of western American literature, is necessarily diverse and wide-ranging; it grasps the multifaceted quality of the landscape, literature, and critical analysis by engaging postmodern theory, spatial theory, cultural studies, and transnational and transcultural understandings of the local.

#5: The Body Myth: Adult Women and the Pressure to be Perfect бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 2-03-2009, 11:55  Комментариев: 0
Clinical psychologist Margo Maine has been successfully helping adult women overcome eating disorders and body image problems for over twenty years. In The Body Myth, she explains the toll these problems can take on women’s lives and provides healing insights and proven techniques for reclaiming readers lives from the debilitating belief that a woman’s self-worth and her worth to others are derived from how she looks, how much she weighs, and what she eats the Body Myth. Using poignant real-life stories, Dr. Maine explores the complex emotional, social, and cultural forces that perpetuate the Body Myth. A unique and invaluable source of information and inspiration, this breakthrough guide equips readers with the knowledge and tools to escape the clutches of the Body Myth and live a more balanced, fulfilling life.

#6: Family Therapy in Changing Times бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 30-10-2008, 00:21  Комментариев: 0
The emphasis in this second edition is on working in a context of cultural diversity in which life transitions such as marriage, divorce and bereavement affect the lives of all families, be they multi- or lone-parent, gay or heterosexual.
This text will appeal to a wide range of professionals and will prove invaluable to both professional therapists and therapists in training who work with families.
Gill Corell Barnes is Senior Clinical Lecturer and Family Therapist at the Tavistock Clinic, London. She also acts as Consultant for Training at the Institute of Family Therapy in London. She has worked with families for over twenty-five years in a variety of settings. She has done research into children's experiences of step-families, as well as completing a clinical study on children and families going through processes of separation, divorce and family re-ordering.

#7: Climate, Affluence, and Culture бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 18-05-2009, 17:37  Комментариев: 0
Everyone, everyday, everywhere has to use money to cope with climatic cold or heat to satisfy survival needs. This point of departure led to a decade of innovative research based on the tenet that climate and affluence influence each other’s impact on culture. Evert Van de Vliert discovered survival cultures in poor countries with demanding cold or hot climates, self-expression cultures in rich countries with demanding cold or hot climates, and easygoing cultures in poor and rich countries with temperate climates. These findings have implications for the cultural consequences of global warming and local poverty. Climate protection and poverty reduction are used in combination to sketch four scenarios for shaping cultures, from which the world community has to make a principal and principled choice soon.

#8: The Stadium: Architecture for the New Global Culture бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 24-12-2008, 10:14  Комментариев: 0
Все о стадионах. Очень толковая книга для архитекторов и инженеров. В основном фотоматериал и чертежи.

Get into the center of the action with The Stadium, a book that takes you to some of the finest event centers across the globe. Sports fans in the United States can revisit their own home fields such as the Reliant Stadium in Houston, SBC Park in San Francisco, Oriole Park in Baltimore, and experience international attractions such as the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff, Wembley in London, Arsenal in London, and the Olympic Stadium in Sydney. With 250 eye-popping photos and 70 architectural plans,this book defines the stadium as a worlwide cultural icon.

#9: In the Flesh: The Cultural Politics of Body Modification бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 11-01-2009, 01:53  Комментариев: 0
The 1990s saw the dramatic rise of spectacular forms of body modification, which included the tattoo renaissance and the rise in body piercing, the emergence of neo-tribal practices like scarification and flesh hanging, and the invention of new, high-tech forms of body art like subdermal implants. This book, based on years of interviews with body modifiers throughout the United States, is both sympathetic and critical and provides the most comprehensive look at this phenomenon. From punk rock to “modern primitives,” from queer sadomasochism to cyberpunks, sociologist Victoria Pitts provides insight into the full range of body modification subcultures. Whether by turning themselves into female punks, neo-tribal “primitives” or science fiction cyborgs, body modifiers are engaged in the project of “reclaiming” their bodies from the machine of modern life. Pitts explores the connections between body modification and contemporary struggles over sex and gender, and widespread attitudes about identity, consumption, and the body.

#10: The Ottoman Empire and the World Around It бесплатно

АвторАвтор: Palladin  Опубликовано: 10-12-2011, 00:05  Комментариев: 0
In Islamic law the world was made up of the House of Islam and the House of War with the Ottoman Sultan--the perceived successor to the Caliphs--supreme ruler of the Islamic world. However, Suraiya Faroqhi demonstrates that there was no iron curtain between the Ottoman and other worlds but rather a long-established network of diplomatic, financial, cultural and religious connections. These extended to the empires of Asia and the modern states of Europe. Faroqhi's book is based on a huge study of original and early modern sources, including diplomatic records, travel and geographical writing, as well as personal accounts.
Книга "The Ottoman Empire and the World Around It " посвящена истории Османской империи и мира вокруг нее. В книге рассматриваются вопросы внешней политики, культуры, религии, экономики и тд.

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