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По Вашему запросу найдено 3 ответов (Результаты запроса 1 - 3) :

#1: Beadcraft Notions бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 16-04-2009, 11:44  Комментариев: 0
Пошаговые схемы плетения брелоков и игрушек из бисера.

#2: Petri Net: Theory and Applications бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 9-09-2008, 23:22  Комментариев: 0
Although many other models of concurrent and distributed systems have been de- veloped since the introduction in 1964 Petri nets are still an essential model for concurrent systems with respect to both the theory and the applications. The main attraction of Petri nets is the way in which the basic aspects of concurrent systems are captured both conceptually and mathematically. The intuitively appealing graphical notation makes Petri nets the model of choice in many applications. The natural way in which Petri nets allow one to formally capture many of the basic notions and issues of concurrent systems has contributed greatly to the development of a rich theory of concurrent systems based on Petri nets.

#3: Hobbits, Elves, And Wizards. Exploring the Wonders and Worlds of J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 12-01-2009, 10:30  Комментариев: 0
Michael Stanton, a noted expert on science fiction and fantasy literature, has written an indispensible new guide to Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings for readers and viewers alike. Stanton, who has been teaching Tolkien's epic for over 25 years at the University of Vermont, guides the reader through the thickets of characters and places Tolkien creates eschewing academic jargon and an overload of literary criticism to provide an understandable look at Tolkien's fantasyscape. He looks at characters, places, the various books of the epic, dreams, the notions of time and history, providing a rich and wonderful guide to Tolkien's world that no one will want to be without this year.

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