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По Вашему запросу найдено 43 ответов (Результаты запроса 1 - 18) :

#1: Python Cookbook бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 22-10-2008, 03:21  Комментариев: 0
This book is a treasure trove of useful code for all Python programmers, from novices to advanced practitioners, with contributions from such Python luminaries as Guido Van Rossum, David Ascher, Tim Peters, Paul Prescod, Mark Hammond, and Alex Martelli, as well as over 100 other Python programmers. The recipes highlight Python best practices and can be used directly in day-to-day programming tasks, as a source of ideas, or as a way to learn more about Python.

#2: Programming with GNU software бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 2-06-2009, 21:49  Комментариев: 0
One of the great benefits of Unix is the vast array of free and inexpensive software tools that are available for the platform. Programming with GNU Software provides an overview of how C and C++ programmers can use some of these tools: the source-code editor Emacs, the gcc compiler, gdb debugger, gprof profiler, and the RCS version-control system. The book offers a quick-paced tutorial that, unlike some introductions to Unix tools, is particularly focused on the needs of C programmers

#3: The standard C library бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 5-06-2009, 17:40  Комментариев: 0
This is the first comprehensive treatment of ANSI and ISO standards for the C Library. Written by a world renowned author on the C programming language and the head of the ANSI committee that standardized the C Library, this new guide contains the complete code of the Standard C Library and includes practical advice on using all 15 headers. All C programmers will benefit from the book's focus on the concepts, design issues, and trade-offs associated with library building; using this book, programmers will make the best use of the C Library and will learn to build programs with maximum portability and reusability.

#4: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 5-11-2008, 23:02  Комментариев: 0
There is a large amount of information at this book (more than 250 pages if it was printed), so if all you want is a quick introduction then the first link takes you to an introductory page on the Fibonacci numbers and where they appear in Nature.
The rest of this page is a brief introduction to all the web pages at this site on Fibonacci Numbers the Golden Section and the Golden String together with their many applications.

#5: Introduction to Microdisplays бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 5-02-2009, 22:23  Комментариев: 0
Microdisplays are tiny, high-resolution electronic displays, designed for use in magnifying optical systems such as HDTV projectors and near-eye personal viewers. As a result of research and development into this field, Microdisplays are incorporated in a variety of visual electronics, notably new 3G portable communications devices, digital camera technologies, wireless internet applications, portable DVD viewers and wearable PCs.
Introduction to Microdisplays encapsulates this market through describing in detail the theory, structure, fabrication and applications of Microdisplays. In particular this book:

#6: Designing Digital Computer Systems with Verilog бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 4-06-2009, 13:42  Комментариев: 0
This book describes how to specify, design, and test a complete digital system using Verilog, a leading commercial hardware description language. After a brief introduction to the Verilog language, the instruction set architecture (ISA) for the simple VeSPA (Very Small Processor Architecture) processor is defined. This ISA is used throughout the remainder of the book to demonstrate how both behavioral and structural models can be developed and intermingled in Verilog. Written for senior and graduate students, this book is also an ideal introduction to Verilog for practicing engineers.

#7: Search Engine Visibility бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 28-06-2007, 09:09  Комментариев: 0
Search Engine Visibility is not about merely obtaining top positions in search search results. Rather, Search Engine Visibility is about designing, writing, and creating a web site primarily for your site’s visitors, adn helping them find what they are searching for via the major search engines, directories, and industry-related sites. This book teaches developers, designers, programmers, and online marketers what pitfalls to avoid from the beginning so they can provide their clients with more effective site designs.

#8: Kagero Monographs №14 - Junkers Ju 88 Vol.2 бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 5-06-2009, 09:17  Комментариев: 0
Язык: польский/английский (Polish/English)
The author jumps straight into a bombing mission over the Balkans and into Ionian Sea, with the perspective told from both sides. With this introduction, the author takes your behind the history, development and operations of this versatile combat aircraft. In this installment, the author picks up the coverage from Volume I and discusses Ju 88 combat operations and its evolution under fire. The coverage includes: Introduction ; North Sea Debut; Fire Over Norway; Campaign in the West; The Battle of Britain; In the Mediterranian; Eastern Front; The West 1942-1945; Other Users; Bibliography. In addition to the historical aspects of this title, presented in both Polish and English, there are numerous fold-out three view diagrams of the various early marks of the Ju 88 and many color profiles as well.

#9: Visual Basic .NET Black Book бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 30-03-2007, 12:10  Комментариев: 0
Visual Basic .NET Black Book is a comprehensive reference and problem-solving guide for Visual Basic programmers. It covers Visual Basic .NET tips, examples, and how-to’s on everything from programming to managing Visual Basic applications. It provides in-depth material on the new object-oriented features of Visual Basic .NET. Plus readers will learn the crucial Visual Basic tool set in detail including best Visual Basic programming practices, from design tools to flowcharts. Using the popular Black Book format, this book provides in-depth analyses of VB.NET technologies and hundreds of immediate programming solutions making it an invaluable desktop companion.

#10: Old English Literature: A Short Introduction / Древнеанглийская литература: Краткое введение бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 24-02-2009, 10:12  Комментариев: 0
В книге представлен подробный анализ старинных текстов в тесной связи с историческим контекстом описанных в них событий.

#11: A Designer’s Guide to Adobe InDesign and XML бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 9-11-2008, 02:08  Комментариев: 0
Is this book for programmers? Written specifically for graphic designers and production artists already comfortable working with Adobe InDesign, this book teaches you how to automate publishing without learning a lot of scary code. XML simplifies the process of moving content in and out of your layouts and can speed up any print or Web assignment.

#12: WPF Recipes in C# 2008: A Problem-Solution Approach бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 31-10-2008, 22:15  Комментариев: 0
WPF offers amazing new opportunities to .NET programmers in terms of the user interfaces they can deliver to their customers. But this significant technological advance comes with a steep learning curve, requiring the programmer to learn new classes, new syntax, and an entirely new approach to UI development.

#13: Black Powder Hobby Gunsmithing бесплатно

АвторАвтор: dim_boss  Опубликовано: 23-03-2011, 08:58  Комментариев: 0
This book is a complete step by step reference for building, tuning, and repairing black powder rifles, pistols, and revolvers. It also has a great historical introduction on the frontier gunsmith, with sections on tools and safety.

#14: Beginning Database Design бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 28-05-2009, 11:59  Комментариев: 0
The perfect reference for programmers, administrators, or Web designers who are new to database development and are uncertain as to how to design and structure a database efficiently
Shows how to design and implement robust, scalable databases on any of the major relational database management systems, including Access, SQL Server, IBM DB2, MySQL, and Oracle

#15: Object Oriented Programming in VB.Net бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 2-11-2008, 11:22  Комментариев: 0
This book takes an object-oriented approach to introduce Visual Basic .NET. The author begins by covering object-oriented analysis, design, and modeling using UML. He then moves into a detailed discussion of objects and clasess, after which, readers begin develoing their own short programs. Advanced topics such as data structures, components, and distributed/Internet programming are also covered. Programmers interested in learning the Visual Basic .NET programming language.

#16: Introduction to Continuum Mechanics: Рабочая тетрадь по профессиональному языку Часть 2 бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 19-05-2009, 09:08  Комментариев: 0
Рабочая тетрадь предназначена для практической реализации программы углублённого изучения английского языка в Томском Политехническом Университете для студентов нефтегазового направления ИГНД, составлена на основе одноимённого учебного пособия, и содержит те же разделы, расположенные в аналогичном порядке, что и в учебном пособии.

#17: Messerschmitt Bf110 бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 15-04-2009, 09:37  Комментариев: 0
As a long-range fighter, the Luftwaffe's Bf110 was highly effective in the early years of World War II, although the introduction of quicker Allied fighters eventually revealed its deficiencies. This development, production, and service history of the Luftwaffe's most-feared World War II fighter features many rare period photographs of the Bf110 in action.

#18: Test your business English - General Usage бесплатно

АвторАвтор: lbooks  Опубликовано: 12-03-2009, 17:09  Комментариев: 0
This work provides an introduction to essential business English terms and vocabulary. The book is divided into five sections covering: selling, foreign trade, money, companies and management, and the office. It also contains 50 tests.

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